We are two motivated young entrepreneurs, filled with hope in our ability to contribute positively to society!
The idea of ​​Espéra came to us last year when we wanted to join our passions together!
Momo, a sales expert from a very young age, head caterer by profession, full of entrepreneurial talent and eager to achieve perfection and above all the full satisfaction of his customers. Overflowing with ambition and crazy ideas, he wanted to offer unparalleled service to those who need it!
Catherine, nurse by profession, dance teacher, passionate about astrology and all things meditative, yoga, relaxation, alternative therapy, eager to give back to society as well as guide people towards better life options, health, natural and organic products, etc. Also brimming with ambition and a mad desire to bring the best quality of service to people!
One fine day Catherine, dreamy and in her head, was looking for an ideal and meaningful name for if one day she would have a little girl. She wrote on a piece of paper the word that resonated best with her whole being... Hope, for her it represented Hope. Hope for a better world. Hope of a life towards more collaboration and sharing. Afterwards, she asked Momo out of curiosity what name he would give a girl if he had one too. Without even talking to each other, Momo wrote the same first name... Hope ! This connection, without having even discussed this subject before, was simply too powerful to ignore! We felt it as a telltale sign of the projects we wanted to accomplish together! It is in this complicity that our joint project of Espéra began, this small company which officially saw the light of day in July 2019!
Espéra offers you a whole variety! Focused mainly on energy, this shop is there to inspire you for your home, your house, your home, to give you ideas and put a decor to your liking! Espéra also includes a large section focusing on your internal energy, namely how to rebalance it through meditation, yoga, alternative medicine, crystals, etc.
Several blogs, advice, articles of all kinds to come to equip you to the best of our means!!